Monday, July 6, 2009

Things I Want To Do

Even though summer it half way through, there are still alot of things I want to do. Well, not too many, but enough that I want to make a list of them.

Go on a Picnic

I've never been on a picnic, and I've always wanted to go on one. Either downtown or on the beach. Luckily for me, I'm going on one Wednesday with my boyfriend, Justin.


Go to Ripley's Aquarium and Haunted Adventure in Myrtle Beach

I've been to the aquairum before, but it was a couple years ago, so I really want to go again. I also want to take fish eye pictures there, of the fishes ;) When I went to Myrtle Beach last summer with some of my friends, we went to Club Karma (which was extremley stupid) I saw the Haunted Adventure, and wanted to go into it real bad, so now I plan on doing it. Also, with Justin. And maybe go to one the of ridiculous put put courses they have there.

I guess I thought there were more things that I wanted to do, but apparantly not, or else I can't think of them. But if I do, I'll add them :)

Take an Amazing Jump Picture

I've always liked picture of poeple jumping, so I want to take a really good one.

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